Cater to global visitors with Menu Translations

A world of flavors in every language. Enhance your customer's dining experience with Menulio's multilingual menu feature.

Why do I need this?

In today's global village, your restaurant's ability to cater to a diverse clientele is crucial. Menulio's new menu translation feature bridges the language gap, allowing your international guests to explore and enjoy your culinary offerings in their native language.

This innovative feature not only elevates the dining experience but also reflects your brand's commitment to inclusivity and customer satisfaction. By seamlessly integrating multiple language options into your digital menu, Menulio ensures that every guest, regardless of their linguistic background, can fully engage with your menu, making dining decisions easier and more enjoyable.

How does it work?

1. You head over to your Menu settings and select the languages you want to add to your menu.

2. You can now translate each category name. Click on the Ellipsis icon next to the category name and select "Edit".

3. You can now add the name of each category and the translation for all the languages you selected at Step 1.

4. After you "Save", you will be back to your Menu's page. There, you can click on the Ellipsis icon next to each menu item and select "Edit".

5. You add the translated content for each menu item's name and description.

How can offering a multilingual menu give my restaurant a competitive edge?

Menulio's menu translation feature is designed for forward-thinking restaurateurs who recognize the value of a diverse clientele and the importance of inclusivity in today's globalized world. This feature is perfect for:

Start Welcoming the World to Your Table
Join Menulio today and transform your menu into a global dining passport.

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10€/ month afterwards